Tower Infrastructure Services
- Antenna and Line Sweeping
- Guy Wire Tensioning
- Wireless Radio Installation Services
- FCC/FAA Licensing
- Antenna Alignment Services
- Support and Maintenance Services
- Tower Light Replacement
- Grounding and Lightning Protection
- Tower Ground Testing
- Cable/Waveguide Repair
and Replacement - Antenna and Line Installations
- Rotator Repair and Replacement
- Tower Painting
- Guy Wire Greasing
- Tower Removal
Tower Inspections
- Field Mapping Inspections
- Guy Tension Measurements
- Tower Ground Measurements
- Tower Ground Resistance Improvement
- Determination of Exposure Category (B-D)
- Determination of Topographic Category (1-4)
- Geotechnical Investigation Liaison
- Corrosion Control
- Microwave Dish Twist and Sway Compatibility
- Motorola R-56 Compliance Audits